Domain Name Registration: Registering new domain names for the company, including researching available domain names, selecting appropriate domain names, and registering them with the appropriate domain name registrar.
Domain Name Renewals: Managing the renewal process for existing domain names, ensuring that domains are renewed on time to prevent expiration.
Domain Name Transfers: Managing the transfer process for domain names, including transferring domain names between registrars and ensuring all necessary documentation and fees are submitted.
Domain Name Management: Managing the company's portfolio of domain names, including tracking domain name expiration dates, managing DNS records, and ensuring that domain names are correctly configured and secured.
Domain Name Disputes: Resolving disputes related to domain names, including responding to disputes, filing complaints with the appropriate authorities, and negotiating settlements.
Compliance: Ensuring compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards related to domain name registration and management.
Vendor Management: Managing relationships with domain name registrars, web hosting providers, and other vendors that provide domain name-related services.
Reporting: Generating reports on domain name registration and management activities, including tracking expenses, monitoring domain name usage, and identifying opportunities for cost savings.
Training: Training employees on domain name registration and management processes, including best practices for selecting and managing domain names.
Process Improvement: Identifying opportunities for process improvement in domain name registration and management processes and implementing changes to improve efficiency and accuracy.